Fight For Self-Government
Jinnah's Ideals
“The historic fight, for self-government by your people and its achievement by them, the consistent teaching and practice of democracy in your country had for generations acted as a beacon light and had in no small measure served to give inspiration to nations who like us were striving for independence and freedom from the shackles of foreign rule.”
- Mr. Jinnah / Quaid-e-Azam
- Speech: Pakistan and USA / Equal Partners in Defence of Democracy
- Context: Speech with the Ambassador of the United States of America on 26th February 1948
Deeper reflections
The national independence of America gave birth to a new history centered around liberty and freedom. America is the embodiment of the human quest for freedom and the vindication of human values.
Pakistan since its inception has sought inspiration from America. The friendship between two countries holds the potential to set a new example of the convergence between Western and Islamic values.
The friendship between United States and Pakistan can generate a psychological momentum of creating a shining Muslim world humming with commerce and creativity. America’s purposes are not self-interested but universal “We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind.”
The rights of mankind are incomplete without the prosperity of the Muslim people. The Pakistani-American friendship will reject the standard of national selfishness that once governed the counsels of nations, instead we will give way to a new order of things in which the only questions will be: “Is it right?” “Is it just?” “Is it in the interest of mankind?” We must pose these questions to America’s involvement in the Middle East, not to criticize but to encourage that America retains its noble sense of historical direction.
There are tremendous geostrategic and economic interests to be yielded from a stronger relationship between Pakistan and the United States. Both are freedom-loving people, and have more in common than meets the eye.
Alexis de Tocqueville, the French aristocrat who came to the United States in 1831 wrote “Puritanism was not just a religious doctrine in many respects it shared the most absolute democratic and republican theories. This was the product of two perfectly distinct elements which elsewhere have often been at war with one another but which in America it was somehow possible to incorporate with each other, forming a marvelous combination. I mean the Spirit of Religion and the Spirit of Freedom.”
From this American inspiration, Pakistan in its grand ambitions of architecting a modern muslim democracy and ushering in an Islamic renaissance will uphold both the Islamic spirit and a strong belief in democratic ideals.
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Pakistan admires the principles of democracy, liberty, equality and fraternity raised during the French revolution. Learn Mr. Jinnah's point-of-view on our shared ideals with France.
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