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Good-will of the World

Jinnah's Ideals

“As a new-born State, Pakistan desires nothing so ardently as the goodwill of the world. Its people are determined to work with heart and soul in the task of consolidating their new liberty and while so engaged in this great task they will be deeply conscious of the help and cooperation extended to them by the other States of the world, particularly at this moment.” 

- Mr. Jinnah / Quaid-e-Azam

- Speech:  Pakistan and Afghanistan | Bound by Age-Old Links, 8 May 1948 

- Context: Speaking with the Ambassador of Afghanistan 


Deeper reflections

Consolidating our newly achieved liberty, defeating provincialism by fortifying unity, building up our nation economically, socially, educationally & politically are some of the tasks that the citizenry of the country is engaged with. 


In the fulfillment of these tasks, we desire nothing but goodwill from the world. Afghanistan and Pakistan are countries with age-old links and a deeply connected sense of tradition and the people of Pakistan pray for and desire the prosperity and success of Afghanistan. Pakistan's historic political ideal for foreign relations is ‘peace within and peace without’. The citizens of Pakistan know that peace and industry are the two most critical factors of modern civilization and we formulate our policy in accordance with such a conviction. 

Peace within: 

  • The citizens of Pakistan are illuminated by the principles that the possession of political power by the mass population is the only effective security against sinister government, participation in civic activity, even in the simplest form of voting, is an elevating and instructing agency, those who are compelled to obey laws and pay national taxes should have an active voice in self-government. 


  • Pakistan's strategy on international relation is based on the foundational principle best articulated by Mr. Jinnah that “we want to demonstrate to the world how a nation containing many elements, live in peace and amity and work for the betterment of all its citizens irrespective of caste or creed. Our object should be peace within and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial and friendly relations with our immediate neighbors and with the world at large. We have no aggressive designs against anyone.”    


Peace without: 

  • Current conflicts at present are only decided by war or diplomacy, and diplomacy is, in essence, nothing but the threat of war. The international community has a long road to travel until it achieves an international government with real legislative as well as judicial capabilities so it can truly enact international law on all nations irrespective of economic or military strength. 


  • Pakistan will prove that collaboration and mutual interests far outweigh perceived clashes. The citizens of Pakistan are fully aware that international cooperation is vital to the progress of civilization. â€‹Pakistan aims to builder deeper connection with America that focuses on student exchange program, workforce training bootcamps, learning the culture, processes and systems that enable technological innovation, integrating with American universities in terms of curriculum and courses and internship opportunities for young students to work at American firms. Pakistan's sense of national identity is linked with America and we desire to build up this relationship into a strong prosperous one. 

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