Strengthened Our Resolve
Jinnah's Ideals
“Also, I would believe that I speak for every man of us in Pakistan when I say that our sufferings, terrible as they have been, have only strengthened us in our resolve to preserve our State and to count it as our greatest blessing. In my public speeches and in every sphere of the Government in which I have the influence I have emphasized and enjoined that Pakistan must not sit back and brood over its injuries. Our people must work, and work, to repair and enrich their country. We are determined to go ahead, and God willing, we shall succeed.”
- Mr. Jinnah / Quaid-e-Azam
- Speech: Pakistan and her people
- Context: Broadcast to the people of Australia / 19th Feb, 1948

Deeper reflections
Pakistan has experienced and continues to face various setbacks and crises. These crises, obstructions and roadblocks may have been immeasurably challenging but we only make progress when we're acting on key objectives that make our lives better. Speed is fundamental to progress, every proactive and reactive action ought to be executed at rapid pace. Brooding over the past losses, humiliations or setbacks delay action and hinder progress. Decisive and rapid action requires learning from past mistakes and moving forward with speed onto the next best action to achieve intended outcome towards national progress. We must operate with the affirmation that we will ceaselessly exert ourselves to achieve progress, never stopping in our noble endeavors in the face of injuries, losses, setbacks and roadblocks.
Setbacks equip us with unique moral insight to transcend from our current condition and achieve our higher vision of a more just and equitable society. With hindsight, we can say Bangladesh is more prosperous than ever before and we welcome the liberation of a new country and people in 1971. While it was embarrassing and shameful that Osama Bin Laden was residing in Pakistan close to a military academy, we are also grateful that we rid the world of a terrorist responsible for causing immense violence and suffering to the Muslim and American people alike. While Pakistan and India have warred multiple times in a short post-colonial history, we’re confident that friendlier times will prevail and peace will be the end-outcome.
We must operate this way because the problems Pakistan is facing are of enormous proportions. With hope, courage, confidence, industry and discipline a lot is possible. The people of Pakistan have a firm conviction that they will script Pakistan's success story and politically, economically, socially and educationally build up their nation.
All setbacks are temporary and by the means of a well-directed, strategically adaptive and sustained effort any nation can change its destiny and transform its society to a vibrant, free, conscientious force that promotes positive values and improves people's lives. Pakistan respects it's strengths more than it's weaknesses and the people will work ceaselessly to repair, build and transform Pakistan.
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