Struggle for Freedom
Jinnah's Ideals
“As you all know, my personal connection with Balochistan extends over a long period. I can now look back with satisfaction to the days when the people of this Province fought shoulder to shoulder with me in our struggle for freedom. You have contributed in no smaller measure than your brethren of other provinces of Pakistan towards the achievements of our goal.”
- Mr. Jinnah / Quaid-e-Azam
- Speech: New Era of Progress for Baluchistan
- Context: Speech at Sibi Durbar

Deeper reflections
Every noble endeavor of national significance finds its motivations in the hearts, aspirations and souls of its people. The aspirations of the Citizens of Pakistan are rooted in their historical destiny shaped by Mr. Jinnah.
The brave and resilient Baloch people contributed equally as our brethren of other provinces to achieve our cherished freedom in the form of our independent state and nationhood.
Pakistan is indebted to the Baloch people who devoted themselves and fought shoulder-to-shoulder in our national struggle for freedom.
With these facts in mind, are we going to let Balochistan be a “lagging” province with declining socio-economic indicators? Are we going to let the Baloch people stay behind in education, health care and economic prosperity? Will the sacrifices of Mr. Jinnah and the Baloch people, be in vain? Certainly not!
Now is the chance, the time and the opportunity to defeat the poison of provincialism, build up Balochistan and relentlessly work towards the economic prosperity of the Baloch people. This is a message to the People of Pakistan, actions often ripple far beyond their immediate objective, and remembering this is a reason to live by principle and act in the hope that what you do matters even when the results are unlikely to be immediate or obvious. We will keep marching forward with enthusiasm and never cease our efforts to always achieve more!
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Mr. Jinnah's promise to Balochistan for joining Pakistan was based on educational, social, economic and political uplift.
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