Jinnah's Ideals
"Balochistan is the land of the brave independent people and to you, therefore, national freedom, honor, and strength should have a special meaning. These whisperings of mulki and non-mulki are neither profitable for the land nor worthy of it. We are now all Pakistanis - not Balochs, Pathans, Sindhis, Bengalis, Punjabis, and so on and as Pakistanis, we must feel, behave and act, and we should be proud to be known as Pakistanis and nothing else. I ask you to always pause and consider before taking any step whether it is conditioned by your personal or local likes and dislikes or is it determined by considerations of the good of the State. "
- Mr. Jinnah / Quaid-e-Azam
- Speech: Provincialism, A Curse
- Context: Speaking with the Quetta Municipality | 15 June 1948

Deeper reflections
The Pakistani nation is intelligent because the Pakistani nation is capable of overcoming difficulties of national unity, and because it holds the torch of Islamic democratic ideals.
Pakistanis enjoy a deep sense of brotherhood, togetherness, and unity that is born from its unique history of national liberation. We will rekindle the flame of national unity because there are grave challenges confronting us and we can only solve them if we all work together.
There is no doubt that we will galvanize ourselves into one united nation to fight against the problems of poverty, hunger, disease, lack of education, gender inequality, water shortage, climate change, population growth and so on.
Our moral spirit towards unity is that we recognize that divisions are illusory as our common ideals of democracy, justice, equality and truth weld us together and mobilize us for collective progress. Our material effort towards unity is to eliminate provincial inequality by:
Investing in education and jobs skill training:
We want the average Pakistani Citizen (Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan, Punjabi, Hazara, and so on) to be secure against destitution and be able to find scope for individual initiative in Pakistan’s economy.
Sufficient pay to ensure a livelihood ought to be given to every person who is willing to work, independently of the question whether the particular work at which he is skilled is needed at the moment or not. New skills ought to be taught at public expense. Pakistan's national will is to create an economy that is people-centric.
Invest in innovation:
Pakistan will focus on innovation, not just industrialization or exports. We will not focus on simply creating jobs but jobs through innovation, which is a more dynamic and sustainable way to develop an economy. Prosperity is a process, while Pakistan is poor today, it does not intend to remain poor indefinitely.
We will create an innovation fund that will provide access to capital to local Pakistani entrepreneurs. Startup accelerators will be developed across every city in every province of the country that will work with startups on their ideas.
Government alone cannot ensure access to quality education, health care, roads, rails, and other public infrastructures, and a plethora of social programs along with maintaining law and order. We will create private-public partnerships to fast-track progress. If citizens and governments perceive the problem of water shortage or health care or climate change, etc as exclusively a public sector function, then progress will be slow. When governments make decisions that are targeted at providing solutions for the people they serve by supporting organizations that are technically, financially, and managerially more capable to provide the services, lives and economies are transformed.
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